Antidote Studio
A one-man studio directed by Hailong Hao
The Dead Has an Alibi(死者不在現場)
GRE 6-step Method(GRE填空解题六步法)
Projects & Works
Active projects and latest works
Training Coursesfor GRE / PTE …
Customized tutoring courses for GRE / PTE and other English tests.
Diogenes ClubThe Diogenes Club is an online performance art on thinking.
Archived Projects
Since some archived projects' websites have been shut down,
the logos below may link to the related Internet Archive pages.
What is Antidote Studio?
Antidote Studio is Hailong Hao's personal studio, registered in the Australian Capital Territory. Our (my) main business includes education, consulting, and internet publishing, but not limited to them.
Who is Hailong Hao?
Hailong Hao is a writer, translator, teacher, and anchor. His works include the award-winning novella The Dead Has an Alibi, the tutorial A Self-Study Guide to English, the novel A Cheng (a.k.a The Young Boy A Cheng) and the translation Animal Farm by George Orwell.